Step Up for STEM
December 7, 2022 | Mary Danahey
Submitted by the Incline Education Fund

Did you know that the Incline Education Fund is a volunteer driven 501c3?
That means over 99% of your unrestricted donor dollars go directly to those who need it most (your restricted donations, of course, go only to the purpose you designate). Every $100 sends over $99 to programs at one of our Incline Public Schools and those dollars are put to work immediately.
How does your generosity look inside the schools?
Right now, your gift is underwriting the Incline Education Fund’s STEP up to STEM project. Part of this innovative plan includes the proven, high-impact, small group math support currently underway at Incline Elementary and Incline Middle Schools to cement important math skills.
The schools are already seeing impressive results as students gain confidence in their developing math abilities… Step One in helping to prepare our students for the rigors of an exceptional STEM education, K through 12. Our ultimate goal is to get and keep ALL of our students above grade level. TODAY, we need your help to continue this successful program next semester
With your support, Incline Education Fund is making a difference.
You can too. Help our students Step up for STEM and Donate Here >