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The Local Lens – Workforce Housing Updates 

May 30, 2023 | Linda Offerdahl

Workforce Housing is the single largest issue that afflicts our community, as well as being a crisis across the nation. It affects the viability of our local merchants and their ability to hire staff. We have seen problems keeping teachers and other professional workers, as well as service workers. With the high cost of fuel, commuting is often not a feasible option either. The toll this takes is both direct and indirect. We have all seen some of our favorite stores or restaurants close. Even owners of businesses have had to move to Reno or Carson. Indirectly, this results in a decline in the “Village vibe” that makes us all feel like one big happy family. 

Under the auspices of the Tahoe Prosperity Center, and funding primarily from Washoe County, the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership was formed. Three years ago, a housing study was conducted to quantify the need for housing in our region. Last summer, consultants were hired to formulate a roadmap. The Housing Partnership is comprised of key agencies including TRPA, Incline employers and local residents, selected for their interest or expertise in some aspect of the housing partnership. Committees are formed around housing programs, finance, community engagement, and development/redevelopment zoning and housing policies. 

The WTHP mission: Accelerate local housing solutions for those who live and work in Washoe Tahoe. 

The WTHP vision: A thriving vibrant community that has housing solutions to support our local residents, workforce and businesses.

The roadmap has a wealth of information, ideas, and recommendations; however, it is not an implementation plan. Now the hard work begins, determining the best solutions for Incline, together. What do we do next? 


Go to Tahoepropserity.org and click on the Projects tab for the pulldown menu to find Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership. You will find the roadmap here.


Commissioner Hill will be presenting the roadmap at this meeting of the Washoe County Citizen Advisory Board. Although you can attend in person at Incline Library, I recommend attending on Zoom. These meetings have a great format; there is a presentation, CAB members, all from our community ask questions and then open it up for public comment and questions. Join the meeting via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82231865379?pwd=TTF2M3FaSnR0bE9jQVA2Q1lJb2hqUT09 


This is not a request for a donation. It says that you support the work being done to find housing solutions.  Commissioner Hill will ask the Board of Commissioners to approve the roadmap in July. Signing this pledge tells the commissioners that housing IS an important issue in our community, and we want to see Washoe County funding housing programs. 

Sign the pledge here.

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