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Main Street Introduction: Revitalizing Our Historic Districts with Local Efforts

July 17, 2024 | Member Submitted

By: Jonathon Gardner, IV Main Street Manager, Jul 16, 2024

Main Street America is an integral program under the National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  Established in the late 1970s, it emerged in response to the decline of historic downtowns and business districts across the United States, driven by suburbanization and the rise of large shopping malls.  The initiative’s mission is to revitalize and preserve these areas through a comprehensive strategy that marries economic development with historic preservation.

The Main Street Approach is a community-driven, holistic strategy designed to rejuvenate older and historic commercial districts while retaining their unique character.  This framework is built around four key points:

  1. Economic Vitality: Enhancing the district’s economic base by diversifying it, providing jobs, and ensuring financial sustainability.
  2. Design: Improving the physical appearance of the historic district through building rehabilitation, street and alley improvements, and landscaping.
  3. Promotion: Marketing the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors, new businesses, and visitors.
  4. Organization: Fostering a cooperative effort among various stakeholders, including residents, business owners, government agencies, and community organizations.

Main Street America provides essential resources, education, training, and networking opportunities to local Main Street programs nationwide.  It also champions historic preservation policies and economic development initiatives that support small businesses and sustainable communities.

In Incline Village, several projects embody the Main Street Approach:

  • Inclined to Bloom: This initiative focuses on beautifying our community with vibrant flowers and well-maintained green spaces, enhancing the overall aesthetic and inviting atmosphere of our village.
  • Improving Commercial Signage: Efforts are underway to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of commercial signage, making it easier for visitors and locals to locate businesses and services.
  • Wayfinding for Walkers and Bikers: To promote a pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly environment, we are increasing wayfinding measures, including clear and attractive signage, to help people navigate our community safely and enjoyably.

Through these efforts, Incline Village is transforming into a more vibrant and welcoming place to live, work, and play.  Main Street America’s mission to create economically resilient communities rich in character, featuring a thriving local economy, is reflected in our local projects.  These initiatives not only preserve our historic charm but also foster a sense of community, local pride, and cultural heritage.  What ideas do you have about our charming village?  Send me an email and we’ll go for a walk and talk about it!

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