Breaking News – The Incline Star Follies are Back!
January 23, 2024 | Mary Danahey
After a pandemic-related hiatus, the Incline Star Follies are BACK !!!
For those of you new to town, The Incline Star Follies is a family cabaret filled with all LOCAL talent. Students, teachers and community members take to the stage to lip-synch great songs and dance their hearts out. This is an amazing community-wide event and “Friend Raiser” that creates cross-cultural and cross-generational relationships through the joy of dance and comedy.
100% of the proceeds raised go to support our local Incline Village schools.They are currently looking for student cast members. ALL Incline 5th, 8th and high school students (9th-12th) are invited to apply. Application forms have been distributed at IES, IMS, IHS and LTS and are due back (to school) by this FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th. Sixteen students from each level (5th, 8th, high school) will be randomly selected from all eligible applications received. Students are eligible as long as they are students in good standing at their respective schools.
Please contact Kathie (775-220-0445 or if you have any questions or would like an application form emailed to you.
Stayed tuned! Adult applications are coming soon!