In The News: Duffield Foundation grant will supply resource officers at IHS
June 16, 2023 | Miranda Jacobson
Originally published in the Tahoe Daily Tribunes 06/16/2023, Written by Miranda Jacobson
INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — The Washoe County Board of Commissioners voted to accept a grant from the Dave and Cheryl Duffield Foundation to be used for two new full-time deputy sheriffs and two new vehicles to be used by said deputies at Incline High School.
The vote happened on Tuesday, April 25, but the grant period will begin Saturday, July 1, and will run through June 30, 2028, with the possibility for a two or four year extension.
The funding is not to exceed $2.7 million, with the purpose of the grant to help support the presence of deputy sheriff’s at the high school to enhance the safety and security of the school.