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In the News: Incline Village residents voice concerns over mobility hub location

April 25, 2023 | Miranda Jacobson

Originally published in the Sierra Sun on 4/22/23. Written by Miranda Jacobson.

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Incline Village residents came together Thursday to voice their disdain over the potential decision to locate a mobility hub at the old elementary school in a heated meeting held by the Tahoe Transportation District. 

TTD has been working with HDR Engineering to determine locations all around the Lake Tahoe Basin that could be mobility hubs in order to eliminate the amount of traffic and vehicle miles traveled. 

While the meeting was held to receive public comment and opinion about what a mobility hub would look like should one be put in Incline Village, many of the public commenters were focused on the need for other amenities and developments, rather than a mobility hub. 

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