In The News – Winter Safety for Dogs: Essential Tips for a Happy Dog
January 15, 2024 | Member Submitted
Originally Published in Moonshine Ink 12/14/2023, Written by Tiffany Connolly, Photo Credit Moonshine Ink
Nobody celebrates winter’s fresh powder like a dog in Tahoe. Bounding through snowdrifts and ripping through fields of white bring dogs a joy that’s contagious. But beneath all the fun, danger does exist. Safety protocols must be followed in the winter months to keep that smile on your dog’s face and those paws healthy for future snowy romps. If you’re one of the many people that go everywhere with their canine at their heels, consider these winter safety tips from India Vannini, chief medical officer at Donner Truckee Veterinary Hospital.
Avoid the Edge
One of the most common winter emergencies for dogs is lacerations from skis and snowboards. As backcountry skiing grows in popularity, backcountry safety must extend to your pup. Train your dog to avoid poles, obstacles, skis, and snowboards. “I always recommend that people make sure they go through all the proper training with their dog,” said Vannini. “Ski edges are just like little saws. It’s like a knife going fast.”