Local Pro-Snowboarder Curtis Woodman’s Film Release: Rebirth
November 15, 2023 | Member Submitted
Incline Village, Nevada – November 17th, 2023 -10:30 pm – Professional snowboarder Curtis Woodman is excited to announce the release of his latest film, Rebirth. The film is a celebration of snowboarding and its unique ability to transform lives by pursuing your passions.
After two years of being off of the snow while taking care of his Pops, who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and passed last fall, Curtis returned to the mountains last season to ride in honor of his pops and reconnect with what he loves most.
“Rebirth” was named after the song Curtis produced for the film in honor of his experience of last season being back on the snow. This part features Woodman exploring some of the most remote and challenging terrain in the Sierras strapped only with his Spring Break Snowboard, Union Bindings, Vert snowshoes and Raen Sunglasses. Curtis traverses the steep chutes, powder-filled peaks, elegant cornices, and backcountry booters during the record breaking snowfall of the 2022-2023 Season in and around Lake Tahoe. Watch Curtis take full advantage unleashing his unique skills to stylishly Surf the Sierras.
But more than just a showcase of snowboarding tricks, Rebirth is also a story about personal growth and transformation. Snowboarding has helped Woodman overcome the loss of his father and find his peace in an often overly complicated world.
“Snowboarding is more than just a sport to me,” Woodman says. “It’s a way of life. It’s something that has helped me to grow as a person and to connect with others on a deeper level. I’m excited to share this film with the world and to inspire others to find their own rebirth through snowboarding.”
Rebirth will make it’s worldwide premier November 17, 2023 at the Higher Elevation Film Festival at the Incline Village Cinema in North Lake Tahoe, Nevada. It will be available for streaming on Slush the magazine’s website following the premier and on various video streaming platforms at a later date.
Rebirth will be showing alongside: XL, the newest film from Tanner Hall edit by the kid again, Goon Gear’s the Recipe, Another Shred Film by Tim Humphreys and Check the Feed presents Share the Feed at the Higher Elevation Film Festival at Incline Village Cinema. Friday November 17th for a special 10:30pm Showing. Official Genius will be hosting a Burger and Beer pre-party at Inclined Burgers to kick the winter season off right!
About Curtis Woodman
Curtis Woodman is a professional snowboarder. He has been snowboarding for over 20 years and has surfed epic powder around the world. The Surf the Earth series in recent years, has focused on making films that showcase the beauty and excitement of snowboarding. Curtis would like to give a special shout out to his sponsors, Spring Break Snowboards, Union Bindings, The Donut Shoppe, Raen Eyewear, Mid Life Crisis Snow, Turn, and Official Genius for making this film and premier possible.
Woodman is passionate about using snowboarding to inspire others. He believes that snowboarding has the power to transform lives and to help people to overcome their challenges. He is excited to share his latest film, Rebirth, with the world and to inspire others to find their own “REBIRTH” through snowboarding. “We hope you can join us for the Worldwide premier Friday Nov. 17th at the Incline Village Cinema, This will be a great night to kick off the season with all the homies.” Woodman said as he ended the interview.
Video Premier Tickets will be available at the Higher Elevation Smokeshop located on Tahoe Blvd in the Christmas Tree shopping center in Incline Village, Nevada.
Higher Elevation Film Festival featuring;
The Worldwide Premier of Curtis Woodman’s new movie •Rebirth•
The Tahoe Premier of XL, a Tanner Hall joint edit by that kid again.
Goon Gear’s “The Recipe” by Vermont Locs
Share the Feed a new movie by Check the Feed.
Tim Humphreys 23’ season edit
And opening recap of the TSS shoot-out and more !
Friday, November 17th, 2023 -10:30 pm at Incline Village Cinema