Community services encompass civic and government agencies, but also nonprofits and service clubs. For a rural unincorporated mountain community, we are well equipped with the services that make this such a quality place to live. The North Lake Tahoe Fire Department, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Incline Substation, Incline Justice Court, Incline Library, the Incline Village Community Hospital, and the Incline Schools serve us well in daily mundane tasks as well as more urgent matters. Washoe County is at the heart of many of these services, including civic planning, business licensing, and human services. The Incline Village General Improvement District, called IVGID, handles water, sewer, trash, and recreation.

What really makes this community so special are the numerous nonprofits and service clubs. Faith-based organizations, family advocacy, senior services (aka Meals on Wheels), animal welfare, Boys and Girls Clubs, educational booster clubs, and environmental nonprofits all support our residents. The Rotary Clubs and AAUW are at the heart of many service projects. Want to meet other locals? Go to one of the many fundraisers throughout the year!


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