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In The News: Millions in transformative housing grants awarded to the Lake Tahoe Region

July 10, 2023 | Member Submitted

Originally published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune 07/10/2023, Submitted to Tribune

LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev.— Affordable housing in the Lake Tahoe region is getting a boost due to a $2.4 million from the California Department of Housing and Community Development awarded to the bi-state Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. 

With the assistance of regional government partners, the funding will help make housing, equity, and climate goals a central focus of land use and water quality programs, according to the TRPA. 

As the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the basin, TRPA was also awarded a $567,000 grant through a related California program to advance housing choices, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and build upon the region’s sustainable communities strategy, a key transportation policy document. 


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