Local Lens – Gratitude
March 29, 2023 | Linda Offerdahl
Today’s Lens is about gratitude for two of our anchor institutions, IVGID and Incline Village Community Hospital. It is easy to take both for granted because they are woven into the fabric of our community. They are part of the landscape; they add value and quality of life to Incline Village and Crystal Bay.
We did not always take local health care for granted. Thanks to some of our early residents, like Ivan Althouse, the Lakeside Hospital was established in 1981. Its existence was precarious until local community members led by Marianne Ingemanson, provided some emergency funding, and then aligned it with the Tahoe Forest Health District in Truckee in 1996. It is now owned by Tahoe Forest Health District. It includes emergency care and a clinic with primary care physicians and specialists that have weekly office hours. The IVCH Foundation raises funds to enhance its supply of medical equipment.
I don’t normally dispense medical advice, BUT having utilized our local hospital twice recently, I have a couple things to share. They both highlight the great care we get from the Tahoe Forest Health System.
First, mental confusion can indicate a urinary tract infection! When my husband Richard complained of feeling foggy and kept asking the same question, I reached out to Dr. Joy Koch. She referred us to ER and then called to tell them we were coming. Thorough testing indicated a UTI, even though he had no symptoms. The ER care was fantastic, from Nurse Joe Woodman to ER Doc Ben Kavinoky.
Second experience: Sore abs from an exercise class and questionable food intake confused the symptoms of appendicitis that I was experiencing. More than one thing can be happening at a time! When that pain (think childbirth contractions) I was experiencing went away, I was tempted not to follow through with the doctor appointment. Thank goodness I went. Dr. Koch’s careful exam led to a CT scan, leading to an emergency appendectomy. I got fast test results that only a small hospital could provide and immediate response from the ER and surgical team at the larger hospital in Truckee.
About those sore abs….Kristen Miller, fitness instructor at IVGID, can be a drill sergeant! I found muscles I never knew I had! The 30-day Fitness Challenge at the Rec Center encouraged me to go to new classes and have a daily fitness habit. Community health and wellness is at the core of what they do. From the myriad recreation facilities to the social opportunities, particularly involving fitness, IVGID is integral to the high quality of life in Incline Village. Be sure to let the staff and the board know how much you appreciate the “country club” life style in a public setting.
We have two critical opportunities coming up to make our voices heard and to have a say in shaping the future of our community school with the Washoe County School District.
Washoe County School District (WSCD) has called a meeting next Wednesday, April 5 at 5PM in the cafeteria at Incline High School to discuss a possible consolidation of the Incline Village schools, including an option for the consolidation of students and classes into two buildings and repurposing of a third. The forums will be held in both English and Spanish.
Currently, WCSD is in the process of changing its policy on school closures, and the community has until April 4th at 5PM to provide public comment. Take a moment to review the new policy and provide feedback at the emails provided if you feel so inclined.