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Local Lens – Tis the Season for Gratitude

November 22, 2022 | Linda Offerdahl

Thanksgiving is an important symbol of gratitude. It is a time when we gather with families and friends and give thanks for all that we have. It also kicks off the holiday season with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Giving Tuesday. Here’s a lineup of what I am grateful for:

HEALTH… Thanks to Incline Village Community Hospital and health care workers everywhere for their dedication to keeping us healthy and COVID-safe. I am also grateful for IVGID’s Rec Center classes …shout out to Sandy Soli!!

WASHOE COUNTY for its recent study on Washoe Tahoe Transportation and its concern for the safety of our community. 

NLTFPD and WCSO Incline Substation for their professional service and their wonderful staffs.

FAMILY ADVOCACY NONPROFITS like Sierra Community House, Tahoe Family Solutions, Pet Network, and the Duffield Youth Center/BGCNLT. These groups, along with many others in North Tahoe, provide a support system for families in our community. Sierra Community House just completed its annual turkey distribution, in addition to its weekly food distribution. 

MEERA BESER for her tireless dedication to Winter Warmth and Wellness and the annual Thanksgiving dinner (tomorrow!) at the Kings Beach Conference Center. And yes, she is still masterminding Toys for Tots!

PARASOL and its donors for filling the coffers of all our nonprofits.  Please support their GIVING TUESDAY and end of the year donations campaigns. It was the founder of Parasol, Carla Hanson who taught me to be generous with my time, talents, and treasure.

ROTARY CLUBS AND AAUW and other service clubs who are all generous with their time, talent, and treasure!

DAVID & CHERYL DUFFIELD FOUNDATION for its ongoing generosity and benevolence. In addition to their work in the schools, with youth and with pets, they provided the founding grant for IVCBA. In 2023, Lake Tahoe School, founded by Dave and Cheryl Duffield, celebrates its 25th anniversary. 

SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY is November 26. Shop local! Shop small. Visit the retailers and locally owned businesses in Incline Village and Crystal Bay for your holiday shopping! Check out the local deals happening around town here.

NORTHERN LIGHTS has an amazing list of events happening in December. It’s a LOT! Go to northernlghtstahoe.com to see everything. Additionally, you can select the ‘Northern Lights’ category on our event calendar to see all of the local Holiday events!

UNR at LAKE TAHOE for hosting Candy Cane Village, Incline’s tree lighting ceremony on December 3.

I want to thank the IVCBA staff and board for filling in for me while I took a vacation in Europe!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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