Davis Fire Community Meeting September 10, 2024 – VIDEO
September 11, 2024 | Member Submitted

Originally Live on Facebook, 9/10/24, U.S. Forest Service-Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest

Highlights: Southwest Area Incident Management Team 1 assumed command of the #DavisFire at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 9th. Active fire behavior was seen along the southwestern portion of the fire yesterday in the vicinity of Mount Rose Highway. Aircraft were limited due to wind and smoke conditions, but crews were able to take advantage of natural features and roadways to directly attack the fire. Strike teams and engines from local jurisdictions were able to continue structure protection in and around all impacted communities and additional resources begin to arrive from around the country to support. Four super scooper aircraft have been assigned to the incident, increasing the speed at which water can be delivered to support firefighting efforts across the fire area.
Fire Activity: Overnight, crews and engines worked to construct direct line in areas around the south and western flanks of the fire but were challenged by very active fire behavior. A spot fire established in the lower portion of Browns Creek, east of Hidden Lake and crews were able to gain access and begin building line. Engines were also closely monitoring fire activity in and around communities, extinguishing any heat that could pose further risk to homes and property. Today, along the north and eastern edges of the fire, crews and engines will continue to monitor and mop up heat sources near the line, working to gain containment in the areas along Interstate 580. On the southern perimeter of the fire, Interagency Hotshot Crews will continue to go direct, building line directly on the fires edge, preventing any continued growth to the south. The southwestern corner of the fire is expected to continue to see extreme fire behavior today with spotting potential up to ½ mile. A mix of aircraft, supported by crews on the ground, will work to check the fire up along Mount Rose Highway, while also scouting secondary containment options.
Weather: A Red Flag Warning has been issued for the area beginning at 11:00 a.m. on September 10th. Expect wind gusts up to 35 mph and relative humidities dropping to single digits at lower elevations. The temperatures will range from 92 at the lower elevations to 74 at the high elevation. A thermal belt will establish overnight, keeping humidities lower than normal.
Evacuations: For updated on evacuation statuses please visit: https://perimetermap.com.
Email: 2024.davis@firenet.gov
Fire Information: 775-446-5520
Inciweb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident…/nvhtf-davis-fire
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection DistrictWashoe County, Nevada – GovernmentCity of Reno Government