In The News – Pine nuts: Retirement ain’t easy
October 28, 2023 | McAvoy Lane
Originally Published in The Sierra Sun 10/27/2023, Written by McAvoy Lane
The first thing I did on my first day of retirement was to toss my Mickey Mouse alarm clock out the window. Then I started pricing marimba’s, as I have a latent desire to make some music. Also I’m looking for books to learn Spanish because it is a beautiful language and I want to get closer to some of my interesting neighbors.
And too, because I have this computer chock full of photos of interesting people and places that I encountered during my 35 years of pretending to be Mark Twain, I’m starting an illustrated memoir, The Incredible Lightness of Being the Ghost of Mark Twain.
Just this morning I came across an early PINE NUTS photo that made me smile…
Photo provided by The Bonanza