In The News – Wolf pack confirmed 50 miles north of Lake Tahoe
December 18, 2024 | Member Submitted
Originally Published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, 12/18/2024, Written by Katelyn Welsh
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed a new wolf pack, found around 50 miles north of Lake Tahoe. The Diamond pack is a pair of wolves that roam the Lassen and Plumas counties. This makes nine known wolf packs currently across California.
Wolf specialists were on to the wolves as early as last December with information that two wolves were potentially in the area on the Lassen-Plumas boundary. Camera traps as well as tracks and scat provided further clues to their presence.
“Basically, they have been consistently present in one area long enough for us to confidently say that they are a pack,” State Gray Wolf Coordinator, Axel Hunnicutt says.
Photo Provided to Tahoe Daily Tribune