Incline Village/Crystal Bay Community Job Fair
May 10, 2023 | Linda Offerdahl

The IVCB Community Job Fair is being held on Monday, May 22 from 3 – 6 pm at the IVGID Recreation Center parking lot at 980 Incline Way. Major sponsors include the Hyatt, Raleys, IVGID, and IVCBA, the community and business association. Prospective employees are invited to visit with local employers. High schoolers, retired residents, and anyone looking for extra income this summer are encouraged to attend! Refreshments will be provided by Raleys.
The Job Fair is hoping to close the gap between the extra employees needed for the summer season, along with longer-term systemic problems with finding employees in Incline Village and Crystal Bay. Jobs at all levels, professional, service, full-time, part-time, and temporary are available at many businesses. The Job Fair will have major employers like the Hyatt, Raleys, and IVGID, as well as some smaller businesses on hand, to discuss job openings with prospective employees informally in a “one-stop” setting. Lisa Hoopes, IVGID Talent Acquisition Specialist, urges prospective employees of all ages to meet and interview for seasonal and career opportunities with hiring managers.
Housing and transportation issues have led to this chronic shortage of employees. The cost of housing has become prohibitive. The high cost of commuting from Reno or Carson City has limited the pool of available employees. These are issues for the entire spectrum of employees, from service workers to professionals. IVCBA works to help the community convene and address these issues.
Under the leadership of Tahoe Prosperity Center and Washoe County, the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership has been working for two years on a study and roadmap to give guidance to the community on housing solutions. Their “roadmap” is being presented to the Partnership on May 10th. It will be available on Tahoe Prosperity Center’s website for review. The roadmap will be presented to the community at the Washoe County Citizen Advisory Board meeting on Monday, June 5, on Zoom and in person at the Incline Library on Alder.
IVCBA held a roundtable on Workforce Transportation, bringing together agencies and employers was held in March. A meeting in June will be held to get more people interested in Regional Transit Commission’s Van Pools.
The IVCB Job Fair is meant to be a true community collaboration to create a stronger business community and meet the demanding needs of the summer season. Businesses wishing to participate should reach out to or register here.
Registration cost is $25 for IVCBA members and $50 for nonmembers. Participating businesses should plan to bring their own table and chairs to the IVGID Rec Center parking lot by 2:30. Event runs from 3 -6pm.
View the IVCBA Job & Volunteer Board >
IVCBA is the community and business association dedicated to building and growing cohesiveness for the sustainability of Incline Village and Crystal Bay. We build community by organizing events and promoting businesses and nonprofits. We invite you to join as a community member or as a business. Subscribe for free to our weekly SnapShot.