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National Poetry Month

April 17, 2023 | Member Submitted

A groundhog who lived in St. Paul  

Was the laziest groundhog of all. 

On the second of Feb  

He stayed in his bed,  

And spring didn’t come until fall! 


April is National Poetry Month, an entire month geared toward celebrating all forms of poetry such as limericks, ballads, acrostic, sonnets, and free verse. It’s a beloved form of literature that allows for freedom of expression and emotion. What better way to take part in poetry month than visiting your local libraries and perusing their collections. Prim Library, UNR at Lake Tahoe, has its own unique collection of more than 3,000 volumes of poetry in its Poetry Center.  

If diving into poetic literature isn’t enough to tickle your enthusiasm, then join the Incline Village Library and the Prim Library on April 25, 2023, 6-8 pm for their first Tahoe Poetry Night event! It’s a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the art form and the community.
To register as a participant or an audience member visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tahoe-poetry-night-tickets-551601634337 

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