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North Lake Tahoe Parking Management

January 5, 2024 | Member Submitted

Provided by NTBA – Originally published at www.placer.ca.gov//tahoeparking


Placer County is developing a North Lake Tahoe Parking Management Program as recommended in the Resort Triangle Transportation Plan adopted by the Placer County Board of Supervisors in October 2020. 

Simply expanding transit and bicycle/pedestrian options without changing the low cost and convenience of the private automobile near attractive recreation areas does not cause a significant overall shift in mobility patterns. Pricing and managing auto use at the end of the trip, such as at beach and recreational parking locations, is an effective approach already in use around Lake Tahoe. The implementation of active parking management will improve utilization of existing infrastructure and enhance use of transit and other travel options.


Rainbow Parking LotThe purpose of this program is to better manage the existing parking supply in the North Lake Tahoe region. County officials are considering solutions, such as a paid parking system in town centers and recreational beach parking areas, as well as the establishment of specific residential permit parking zones. Goals include encouraging alternative modes of travel, ensuring sufficient turnover in convenient parking spaces for businesses, protecting neighborhoods from spillover parking, and efficiently using land to meet Tahoe area parking demands.

Private parking area participation in a County paid parking program will be voluntary, but the inclusion of underutilized private parking in the overall program is encouraged and also provides revenue return opportunities for the private property owner. This program has the potential to generate funding for local investment into alternative transportation enhancements, such as new bicycle/pedestrian facilities and expansion of transit services. Community engagement is planned for spring 2023 as part of the initial development of the program, as well as establishment of stakeholder working groups for collaborative discussions regarding program goals, elements, financing, technology, enforcement, and phasing.

Placer County will hold a pair of meetings to gather community input on existing parking related problems to be solved with the initial phase of implementation of the North Lake Tahoe Parking Management Program. Each will be facilitated by county staff and an experienced parking consultant, Dixon Resources Unlimited.

  • In person community meeting – Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024, at 5 p.m. at the North Lake Tahoe Event Center.
  • Virtual community meeting – Thursday, Jan. 11, starting at noon.
    Visit placer.ca.gov/tahoeparking to register.

Visit placer.ca.gov/tahoeparking

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