School Updates from Incline Education Fund
May 29, 2023 | Mary Danahey

Hi I’m Mary with the Incline Education Fund, a local nonprofit that support students, educators and parents here in Incline. Through our programming, advocacy and fundraising, IEF helps to ensure academic achievement and skill development across generations of Incline students. We have some exciting updates to share from each of the schools:

IES is hosting a Summer Kick-Off Event on June 6th from 4-6pm
This is a Summer Reading Kick-Off Assembly in conjunction with the Washoe County Library System.
There are two collaborative events with Incline Middle School and Lake Tahoe School this week:
- Drive carefully this Friday, June 2nd as it’s BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY! There will be prizes for kids who bike to school.
- It’s COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAY for 6th & 7th graders. 6th graders will be heading to Sand Harbor and 7th graders will head to Diamond Peak to collect trash as part of the community-wide TRASH to TREASURE project.

Monday, June 5th at 5pm is the IMS OPEN HOUSE.
This event is a school showcase of all of the wonderful programs happening at IMS. There will be a presentation at 5:30.
Parents and community members are invited to attend.
LTS Track and Field Bobcats Cap Historic Season with Three Team Titles
by: Mr. Kris – Assistant Head of School
The Lake Tahoe School track & field team finished another highly successful track season at the Tah-Neva championships in Carson City on May 16. On a beautiful sunny afternoon, 22 different middle schools from the Tahoe Basin, Carson City, Reno, and other parts of Northern Nevada and California met to battle it out, all determined to achieve individual glory and team championship trophies.
The LTS Bobcats dominated the meet and were rewarded for their efforts by claiming three D1 team championships – 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, and the 8th grade girls. The 7th grade boys not only won the D1 title but also were the number one school in the entire Tah-Neva League.