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Tahoe Transportation Plan Formally Recognized

April 26, 2023 | Member Submitted

Washoe County Board of Commissioners votes to formally recognize Tahoe Transportation Plan: Using a combination of data collection, agency coordination, and community engagement, Washoe County has developed a Tahoe Transportation Plan, which was formally recognized as a guiding document with actionable solutions to transportation issues in the Incline Village area. The plan includes recommendations related to local/regional trip reduction programs, multimodal accommodations, transit service, parking, intersection safety, snow removal, State Route 28 (SR 28), and technology. The document concludes with an overview of funding sources available for various types of improvements, along with recommendations for implementation timeframes and responsibilities.

“Community engagement in the Tahoe area, specific to transportation issues were very important. We knew that on the onset,” Assistant County Manager Dave Solaro said. “So we wanted to identify all the transportation needs from the community and develop recommendations along the pertinent corridors.

“I commend your work and our multi-jurisdictional team,” Chair Alexis Hill said. “Hearing from more than 200 community members is incredible, and I’m excited to do the work to move forward.” 

Learn more about the Tahoe Transportation Plan >

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