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A Message from Jody Wright – Tahoe Family Solutions New Executive Director

January 21, 2025 | Member Submitted

The new year brings new opportunities to Tahoe Family Solutions, and I wanted to be the first to share them with you.

My name is Jody Wright. I am a native Nevadan, an experienced leader in non-profit agencies, and the new Executive Director of Tahoe Family Solutions.

 It is my great honor to step into the shoes left empty by Robin Glasgow, who has happily moved into retirement after nearly 15 years at the helm.  He leaves behind a legacy of growing community-focused programs, a strong and healthy 501 (c)(3)business model, and an incredibly talented and passionate team that is perhaps the best I’ve ever worked with.

Tahoe Family Services has served thousands of individuals, families, and children through our bilingual Family Resource Center programs that include affordable or free mental health and psychiatric care, Homework Help Club, beginning and advanced ESL classes for adults, and VITA, a national program that provides s free preparation of federal and state tax returns for low-income households.  In addition, our youth programs reach across the community to provide a 5-week overnight summer wilderness camp, along with fun outdoor and STEM activities throughout the year, that is available to all youth, including those facing financial challenges, across the Tahoe region.  

Finally, as I begin to learn the stories of the families whom Tahoe Family Solutions have impacted, I am struck by the strength and the tenacity of the individuals who access our programs. They need a hand-up, not a hand-out, and you and the Village have responded – with neighbors supporting neighbors through your generous support. It is inspiring and I am honored to be associated with this Mission.

I am eager to meet and engage with community members in the coming months. Please know my office door is always open. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to address immediately, please feel free to contact me at jodyw@tahoefamily.org or 775-413-5145.

Tahoe Family Solutions is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, providing low/no cost services to children and families living along the Lake Tahoe Basin beginning in 1991.  Our mission is “to provide key resources and enhance skills for families in the Tahoe Basin.”

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