In The News: Outside audit finds ‘error-prone’ processes and ‘confusion’ in Washoe County elections
June 13, 2023 | Member Submitted

Originally published in the Reno Gazette Journal 06/08/2023, Written by Mark Robison
WASHOE COUNTY: A new outside audit of Washoe County’s election process delivers tough feedback that validates the concerns of some critics and also offers detailed recommendations as a presidential election looms next year.
“Error-prone” was used six times in the final report, and “confusion” seven times when describing voter or staff experiences.
The operational review of the 2022 election process was conducted as part of a $100,000 contract with The Elections Group to inform county efforts to overhaul its voter system.
“For several election cycles now, there have been areas that we’ve needed to improve, especially with the onset of mail-in ballots,” said county spokesperson Bethany Drysdale.