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In The News – Tahoe Prosperity Center searches for new Executive Director

January 26, 2025 | Member Submitted

Originally Published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, 1/24/2025, Submitted

The Board of Directors of the Tahoe Prosperity Center announced it is searching for a new executive director. Heidi Hill Drum has served as the executive director of the organization for ten years and is looking forward to new and different adventures. The board thanks Hill Drum for her service over these past ten years and is appreciative of her flexibility during the search for a new leader. 

While under Hill Drum’s tenure, the Tahoe Prosperity Center has grown and accomplished much in the region and we look forward to a new leader continuing to expand and grow the following programs.

  • Envision Tahoe and Tahoe, Inc – supporting economic resiliency in the Tahoe region and connecting entrepreneurs to support their growth in our unique mountain environment.
  • Alert Tahoe – supporting the early detection wildfire camera network in our communities that have already helped spot more than 100 fires, allowing our local fire agencies to stop them before they reached 1 acre in size. These cameras provide critical information to our local fire crews and protect our communities from the devastation of wildfires. During Heidi’s ten years as executive director, more than 15 cameras in the Lake Tahoe region have been installed.
  • Connected Tahoe – expanding high speed internet to underserved areas of the Tahoe Basin with new technology, improvements in fiber and connectivity and supporting local jurisdictions with projects and funding to ensure quality of broadband for everyone.


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