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The Local Lens – Building a Strong Community

August 21, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl

Here’s  another good reason to pay attention to those signs along the road that say “Take it slow, Tahoe”: school is back in session! Thank you to local resident Helen Neff for this thoughtful campaign. She (almost) singlehandedly brought and distributed those signs, made by Take Care Tahoe, to Incline. They remind us that there are pedestrians, people taking their kids to school, dogs for a walk, going out for coffee,  etc. In fact, we encourage people to get out of their car and enjoy walking through our Village. Don’t forget about E-bikes and scooters! They may be on the street, not the sidewalk, but they are often unexpected….another good reason to “Take it slow,  Tahoe”.

The Local Lens and IVCBA are putting a big focus on  community involvement this fall. There IS an election (how could you not notice?). Be sure you are registered to vote!


Diane Backer did a great job in her tenure as CAB Chair. She is passing the baton to a very capable and informed citizen, Roxanna Dunn. Next Monday’s meeting will focus on the new Sand Harbor reservation system. Hopefully, this will improve the traffic congestion!


TRPA has rebranded its housing and redevelopment committee. It is now called Tahoe Living project, Cultivating Community, Conserving the Basin.  There is a housing workshop for the North Shore on September 10. Visit tahoeliving.org to learn more and get involved.


As a follow up to Washoe County’s housing study and roadmap (approved by the Commission a year ago), IVCBA has re-formed the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership to the IVCBA Housing Committee.  It has taken some time to find the right vehicle that can encourage and help unlock housing stock for shorter-term solutions. This committee will interact with the agencies that set policies. It will also “educate and convene” our community through a speaker series starting October 1. On a recent trip to Reno at 7:30 am, I was met by a steady stream of cars heading up to Incline for work. People who live where they work are more engaged in the local issues and support the local businesses. They are essential to IVCBA’s mission of “building and growing cohesiveness for the sustainability of Incline Village and Crystal Bay”. 


IVGID Parks and Recreation….Have you walked the paths between Incline Way and Aspen Grove? How about the little parks that mark the entrance to Incline? All of the facilities, including the entrance to the Rec Center, have beautiful grounds that are well-maintained. Thank you to Stephen Phillips and his staff! 


I want to give a shoutout to AAUW, the American Association of University Women. We have a very active branch, headed by President Janet Usinger. They give scholarships, and work to promote STEM and other educational programs in schools. This group of nearly 150 women is raising funds for these programs in September. A silent auction which allows everyone to participate, this starts September 1st – 18th. But try to make the Garden Party fundraiser on September 15th, at an exclusive estate on Lakeshore. The details are on IVCBA’s calendar. This illustrious group of women have a wide range of social activities, from their Monday hiking/snowshoe/kayaking  group to monthly meetings with speakers to book and cooking clubs. Go to AAUW Incline Village for more information on membership contact Diane Woodward (925-300-6284) and Leann Foster (510-502-7366). They can both be reached at membership@tahoenvaauw.org.

We have two very active Rotary Clubs, also dedicated to community service, as well as international service. Fall is a great time to attend a meeting and think about joining. Reach out to tahoeinclinerotary@gmail.com for the Thursday morning club, Bridget Crowe, bgirouxdesign@gmail.com for the noon club. You do NOT have to be a veteran to attend the lunches of the  IVCB Veterans Club on the last Thursday of the month. Incliners is primarily a social club, but part of its service is welcoming new residents and distributing IVCBA community welcome bags. Join the Incliners here: https://www.incliners.org/membership

Who did I forget? This is my end of the blog message to those that read to the end. Let me know so I can include them next week.

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