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The Local Lens – Welcome Bags & Community Events

April 10, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl


Are you new to Incline or know someone who is? IVCBA has welcome bags with information and goodies from agencies, nonprofits, and businesses for new residents. It is chockful of helpful things like a safety information card, family resource and service club guide, discounts from businesses and tschozkies.  This information will all be online soon.  Thanks to Incliners Kristie Wells, Maggie Sonoda, Charlene Temple, Beth Witt, and Tracey Prouix for assembling the bags. You can get a Welcome bag by emailing Drew@IVCBA.org or info@ivcba.org.  

Alibi Ale Works – Incline Public House is a place that can be counted on to host a meeting that brings locals together for a good cause. TONIGHT is no exception. Keep Tahoe Blue is hosting a reception for their Blue Crews. Grab a couple of friends or neighbors and commit to picking up trash in your neighborhood, around your business, or on East Shore beaches. IVCBA is kicking off a Beautification Campaign and it begins with spring cleaning in the Village. More later, but mark your calendars for June First “Incline Green Clean” village clean-up and Block Party at Incline Library. Here’s a big shout-out to locals who quietly pick up trash on their own. The ones I know about (besides my husband Richard): Carolyn Usinger, Ben Dossef, Steve and Maren Ross, Theresa Hall, and Randy Ruch. Steve and Maren Ross have a nonprofit called Incline Village Enhancement Fund. If you want to join their clean-up crew or make a donation, they can be reached at ivef89451@gmail.com.

COFFEE WITH AN ENGINEER…new business LeFrancois Engineering

Questions you can’t ask just anybody…Is this a load bearing wall? Need extra coverage for parking your boat? How do I deal with flooding after that last big storm?  Ask Mike! LeFrancois Engineering is holding a coffee at Happy Tiers on April 11 to answer any question about home repairs or building. Meet Mike, Civil Engineer and ask away!

Le Francois Engineering may be a new business, but Mike has worked in Incline and around North Tahoe for 24 years. He brings a wealth of expertise in design, engineering, environmental processing, permitting and construction oversight.


Umpqua Bank and Frushon Accounting & Business Services are sponsoring a Mixer on Wednesday, May 1 to highlight the myriad services that both businesses offer to individuals and other businesses. IVCBA is using this mixer as an opportunity to highlight ALL of its members in Business and Financial Services.  Meet local business professionals in accounting, wealth management and investments, insurance, legal services, among others.  This mixer is a great way to mix it up with the business community and enjoy adult beverages provided by Umpqua and food from T’s Rotisserie. 


IVCBA is looking for volunteers for the parade and events on July 2nd—4th, as well as help decorate the Village and the parade route. Can you help us plan and find unique entries for the parade? Please reach out to Julie@IVCBA.org and register HERE>

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