The Local Lens – Fall Clean-Up
September 18, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl
Where do all those pine needles come from? One good blast of wind and all the raking that was done seemed like it was all for naught. There is always one blast of cold weather that reminds us that winter is coming, but I promise September and October are beautiful months.
IVCBA’s Main Street focus has been beautification. Please help keep up the momentum from spring/summer to the Fall Clean-up in your yard/neighborhood and within the community. The fall regional clean-up campaign (Great Sierra River) is on Saturday, September 21. The Sierra Nevada Alliance organizes this regional event. Meet up at the Rec Center to get clean-up supplies provided by IVGID’s Waste Not program. MORE INFORMATION
Fall is not normally the time one thinks about daffodils and tulips, but these early spring bloomers are bulbs that must be planted soon! Consult with our very own High Sierra Gardens about what and how to plant.
Our fire district (NLTFPD) collaborates with agencies around the Lake to protect us in case of fire or evacuation. They were part of the Davis fire team that handled that fire so effectively. Here are ways for YOU to be actively involved with fire prevention:
PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY with defensible space.
ORGANIZE A NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN -UP through the Tahoe Network Fire Adapted Communities. See their calendar for upcoming Upper Tyner events. Why not make it a bi-annual event in coordination with the spring and fall clean-ups in Incline, like the one this Saturday?
ATTEND THE FIREWISE USA WORKSHOP on Thursday, September 19 in Southshore. Learn more at
Here’s what Tia Rancourt, Public Information Officer has to say:
“The North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District has been at the forefront of Defensible Space and Fuels Reduction & Mitigation efforts since the mid-1990s. We support the Firewise USA program by collaborating with the Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities to provide essential resources, such as free Defensible Space Inspections and Chipping Services. These services are available annually from spring through fall, and the last day to request them for this season is October 27, 2024.”
We had a wake-up call last week with the Davis fire. We each need to be prepared for an evacuation and understand the plan. There is a newly developed regional plan that includes Incline Village and Crystal Bay. It is a living document with time for you to ask questions or make a comment. The plan is currently located at: laketahoeregionalevacuationplan.pdf ( See the NLTFPD press release about it here:
If you haven’t been to a football game since you were in high school, go this Friday night! And watch for the parade on local streets at 2pm. Hotdogs and refreshments, cheerleaders, a homecoming court, and oh, there IS a football game against West Wendover! Girls’ volleyball is playing Silver Stage.
Every month Washoe County organizes a CAB (Citizen Advisory Board) meeting. The next one is Monday, September 23.
IVGID Candidate Forum
Local politics DO matter. There are 6 candidates running for 3 positions on the IVGID board. IVGID is the general improvement district that handles water, sewer trash and all of the recreation facilities. That “private club vibe in a public setting” is what many of us moved here for. We are outdoor and recreation-oriented. There is a public forum for the board of trustees candidates on September 30th at Duffield Theater.
Sept 21: IVGID Waste Not clean-up day in conjunction with Great Sierra River
Sept 22: Golf From the Heart golf tournament, a fundraiser for the Hospital; Auxiliary
Sept 27: Denim and Diamonds for TCF, Tahoe Connection for Families
Sept 28: Sheriff’s Picnic at Aspen Grove
IVCBA is the Community and Business Association that promotes our local businesses and nonprofits, organizes community events and produces the Weekly SnapShot! If you are a subscriber and regular reader, plies join as a Community Supporter for $50. If you are not a subscriber, do for free! Go to We are financially supported by our local agency “investors”, and our business community and residents. Please help! JOIN HERE