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The Local Lens – History of Our Local Hospital

October 30, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl

How many of you have a story about our beloved Incline Village Community Hospital? Broken leg from skiing, a child’s ear infection in the middle of the night, or an allergic reaction to a bee sting….we all can probably tell at least one story where it was SO NICE to have our local hospital with its emergency department and upstairs health center. For me and Richard, we remember the appendicitis attack, the infection from a root canal, a bladder infection that caused mental confusion and numerous trips when the kids were young.  Trips to the ER for loved ones are often emotional experiences and can be filled with long waits in busy, crowded waiting rooms. We have been spoiled by having this wonderful resource in such a small community. 

Because of the generosity and determination of community members, the Hospital opened its doors in September of 1981. It had just the basics, but hospitals are expensive to run. After the hospital closed two times in the 80s, Marianne and Larry Ingemanson set out to save it financially. Several locals, including us, “invested” in this critical facility that allowed many elderly people and young families to live here, knowing they had quality health care close to home. In 1996, the Hospital became a proud part of Tahoe Forest Health System. Now IVCH is the place that we all know and love: an incredible ER with faces that many of us have grown to know and love, the second-floor Health Center with primary and specialty physicians, the brand-new Diagnostic Imaging Suite (now with 3D Mammography), a wonderful lab for any of your lab work needs, and just recently a walk-in clinic that meets the needs of all of our residents.

Tahoe Forest is one of the top 100 critical access hospitals in the country. It has achieved notable quality measures that demonstrate the highest patient safety standards and consistently exceeds patient satisfaction ratings. The Cancer Center is world renowned, the Women’s and Newborn Care center is state-of-the-art, and many of our local babies are born there. Many surgeries, like my appendectomy and my broken wrist, are easily accommodated. We have much to be thankful for, and we congratulate them on serving our community for the last 75 years!


  • Louis Ward is Incline Hospital’s Administrator and interim CEO for the entire Health System. He is visible in our community and looks out for our interests.
  • Karli Epstein is the Executive Director of both hospital foundations. She is a familiar face and name in Incline. She and the IVCH Foundation are behind the fabulous Beach Boys (and other) fundraisers that raise several hundred thousand dollars for our hospital alone. Because of these funds, we have state-of-the-art Diagnostic Imaging equipment like 3D mammography, the 128-slice CT, and the new fixed X-ray. Many of the hospital’s upgrades are thanks to incredible community generosity and support. 
  • The North Lake Tahoe Community Health Care Auxiliary works behind the scenes, raising money for scholarships and hospital equipment needs from its annual lobster feed in the summer and golf tournament in the fall. It also runs that cute gift shop!

Tahoe Forest Health System is celebrating its 75th Anniversary on Friday night. When you see a local health hospital employee, nurse, physician, or provider, thank them!

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