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The Local Lens – Veterans and Volunteers

July 9, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl

Wow! What a Celebration! For a town that has become somewhat infamous for its divisive politics (and I hate to admit that), everyone came together to celebrate the 4th of July. At the risk of leaving something out, here’s my rundown of the Local Heroes Celebration organized and promoted by IVCBA on its website and local media. 

I give a big shout-out to Jim Smith and Tahoe Red White & Blue II  for bringing back fireworks, the biggest single unifying event. It took a Village….IVGID played a big role, so did Kern Schumacher and other big (and small) donors, as well as the volunteers, especially the clean-up the morning after. And for those who couldn’t get on the beach for one reason or another, the fireworks were fantastic from the decks with a panoramic view. 

All of the Vets organizations kept us aware of the “reason for the season: the Incline Village Veterans Club, Military Officers of America, Onwards Ops, and PTSD Now! with founders Craig and Julie Rauchle as the 2024 Local Heroes Parade Marshals. IMO, the most moving patriotic events were the Flag Retirement Ceremony and TOCCATA’s Red, White, and Tahoe Blue concert.  

For the sheer number of organizations involved, the Local Heroes Parade, sponsored by IVCBA and the Rotary Club of Tahoe-Incline, and the Community Fair were very inclusive.  There might have been at least as many people IN the parade as watching the parade!  I give a big shout-out to the Vets Club and the IVGID grounds crew for setting up and taking down those tents at the community fair. Lettie Miller, we missed you! Other highlights were the WCSO vehicles on display, the famous TK and IVGID field games, and the Susie Scoops ice cream eating contest.

Not sure who wins the contest for the most volunteers, but the Vets Club and the North Lake Tahoe Fire Prevention District are in a close race. I guess what we should be counting, is the number of pancakes served. Both were enthusiastically attended, but arguably more fun was had waiting in the line for the 4th of July Vets Club pancake breakfast because they were serving mimosas while we waited! 

Speaking of volunteers behind the scenes, Tiffany Clements from the Substation, Josh and Paul from the NLTFPD, realtors, Jonathon Gardner and other IVCBA volunteers decorated the parade route and Tahoe Blvd….and took it all down on Monday.  Decorating is very important to making the town look festive and my own personal mission since the years I owned Dress The Party costume and party store. 

Behind the scenes at IVCBA, Julie Malkin-Manning and Kristin Derrin worked tirelessly to make sure everyone knew the schedule. Ask them how many times they STILL got asked “When is the parade?”!

We were really happy to see Incline Tahoe Foundation bring back Beer and Brats, now called Summerfest on the campus of UNR@Lake Tahoe.  This was a very laid-back family event, think kids playing on beautiful lawns, brats and watermelon, and music that wasn’t too loud to be enoyed. Thank you UNR for keeping that campus a popular place for local events.

I’m sure I left someone out, so IVCBA’S Kristin Derrin, the boss of the Weekly SnapShot, has written a version of acknowledgements complete with links in this edition.

Fiinally, questions I often get asked:

Why don’t we have the parade on the 4th

This is a good question. Tradition?? I do know that most people just want to be on the beach on the 4th. The parade and community fair are a lot of work, and the people involved want to be with family on the 4th

Why are there so many people in town? 

Incline Village has ALWAYS been a second home community, and those part-time residents are all in town for the month of July. Please welcome those people back, and be nice to the other visitors that keep our local economy afloat.

Aren’t the fireworks bad for the Lake? 

Oh dear. This is a bit of a conundrum because our community has to be laser-focused on Lake clarity and protecting the environment. What I’ve been told, and believe, is that the fireworks are far better for the environment than they used to be. I also believe that the organizers and enthusiastic clean-up volunteers are committed to removing all traces afterwards.  Thanks to Travel North Tahoe Nevada for its ongoing commitment to sustainability and educating visitors on how to  be responsible during their stay. 

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Local Hereos Celebration Wrap Up

July 9, 2024 | Kristin Derrin

What an incredible three days of Local Heroes 4th of July Celebrations! We hope everyone enjoyed all the great community events. The Local Heroes Parade and Community Fair was a great success!

We want to thank all our volunteers; we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you to Tiffany Clements (WCSO), who organized all the volunteers for decorating the parade route! It looked great! 

Thank you to the North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District for the Pancake Breakfast and flag-raising to kick off the three-day event. Also, thank you for kindly pulling the IVCBA ‘Future Local Heroes’ Float in the parade; there were a lot of happy kiddos! 

Thank you to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office for the ‘Meet & Greet’ at the Community Fair and for bringing the horses!  

Thank you to TK for organizing the Kid’s Bike Parade and the Community Fair Kids Olympics! 

Thank you to Susie Scoops for supplying the ice cream at the Community Fair and hosting the famous Ice Cream eating contest.

Thank you to Highlander Pride for the Community Fair BBQ and the Highland Pride Basketball Tournament. 
Thank you to the Incline Tahoe Foundation for a very successful Summerfest! 
Thank you to the Rotary Club of Tahoe-Incline and the IVCB Veterans Club for the pancake breakfasts, flag retirement ceremony, and all you do for the Local Heroes Celebration. 

Thank you to Tocatta for the Red, White, and Tahoe Blue – Tribute to America. 
Thank you to the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort and Spa for the free 4th of July BBQ. 
Thank you to Travel North Tahoe Nevada for your generous sponsorship. 

And, of course, thank you to Red, White, and Tahoe Blue II for bringing back the fireworks. That was an incredible firework show! A perfect way to end a successful 3-day Celebration! 

It takes a village to bring about such a successful event. So many people came together to create 3 days of celebration. A big appreciation to Julie Malkin-Manning with IVCBA for the incredible event organization! 


Here is a video created for IVCBA from Baxter Gentry. Thank You Baxter: https://youtu.be/SMeJRtno9f8

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4th of July Fireworks – Beach Access & Logistics

July 3, 2024 | Member Submitted

Information gathered from IVGID & Red, White, and Tahoe Blue II

The Fireworks are back after a 5 year hiatus!

Once ranked as the 6th Best Fireworks in the Country; Red, White and Tahoe Blue II is committed to reviving this beloved tradition with even more splendor and community spirit. Learn more About Red White & Tahoe Blue II

Location: Near Incline Beach
Time: 9:30pm
Firework Debris & Problem Hotline: 1-916-955-9705

Why Your Donation Matters:

Fireworks are more than just a display; they’re a symbol of unity, celebration, and the enduring spirit of our community. Every donation, big or small, helps us bring the magic back to our night sky. Here is how you can Donate to RED, WHITE & TAHOE BLUE II.

Beach Access:

Incline Village beaches are RESTRICTED ACCESS. Beach gates will be staffed 6am to midnight. (Gates will not be open prior to that).

Staff will be checking every pass. PLEASE BE KIND TO STAFF!

Security will be actively staffing beaches. If you do not have current beach access, you’ll need to consider other options to view the magic.

If you are using The Ski Beach Boat ramp, your boat will need to be off the water by 11pm.


The Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID) manages four restricted-access beaches within Incline Village, Nevada, for the use of IVGID Recreation Pass and Recreation Punch Card holders (with beach access), as well as their guests. Please review the access rules & restrictions for IVGID-managed beaches below.

The Hyatt FREE BBQ on July 4th at the Incline Beach will require an IVGID Picture Pass or Punch Card to attend.

Parking and Viewing:

Please respect our residential areas. If you can’t access the beach, another viewing area is the Village Green and the East Shore trail. Be mindful of parking in neighborhoods, respect ‘NO Parking’ signs, and pack it in and out!

Beach Gate Hours 6:00 am – 11:30 PM 

6:00 AM – 8:00 AM – All Walk-ins for Ski Beach & Incline Beach MUST use the Walk-in Gate Located WEST of the Ski Beach Gate Booth. (No Pedestrian traffic at the Incline Beach booth until after 8:00 AM)

Ski Beach Boat Ramp Hours:  

6/29 & 6/30 – 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

7/4 – 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM & Closed from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM . 

​**Re-opens for pullouts from 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (or until Pedestrian traffic is clear)

** if you plan to retrieve your boat on July 4th- your trailer MUST be parked in Aspen Grove Lots. NO EXCEPTIONS. Space is limited- You must secure your space on the morning of 7/4 


Photo Credit: Chris Talbot

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2024 Local Heroes Community Fair & Meet and Greet 

June 27, 2024 | Julie Malkin-Manning

Immediately following the Local Heroes Parade on Tuesday, July 2, the community is invited to the Community Fair on the Village Green (11AM – 3PM).

Interact with the heroes of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and their tactical vehicles at the Meet & Greet, participate in the Highlander Pride Youth Olympics, and savor delicious barbecue at the Highlander Pride Backyard BBQ fundraiser on the Village Green. Don’t miss the annual Susie Scoops Ice Cream Eating Contest at 1PM for extra smiles.

The following nonprofits, businesses, and service clubs, as listed below will host booths, games, and handout information & freebies. 

  • Washoe County Sheriff Office
  • Lefrancois Engineering
  • North Tahoe Democrats
  • Pet Network Humane Society
  • Onward Ops Foundation
  • Elevated Water Sports
  • Bridget Giroux Design
  • Tahoe Family Solutions
  • Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
  • IVCB Republican Women’s Club
  • Washoe County Sheriff Office
  • Daisy Trails Forest Preschool
  • Village Pet Foundation
  • Incline Village Library
  • IVGID – Incline Village General Improvement District
  • The Village Church
  • North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District
  • Incline Education Fund
  • Incline Village Crystal Bay Veterans Club
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2024 Local Heroes Parade Lineup, Route & Road Closures

June 27, 2024 | Julie Malkin-Manning

The Local Heroes Parade theme pays tribute to veterans, firefighters, healthcare workers, educators, service workers, parents, and everyone who helps build our community (that’s YOU!). 

The Parade is Tuesday, July 2 at 10AM. See map below for the route and road closures. 

Each year our parade is kicked off by the Local Heroes Kids Bike Parade – once you see them round the corner, you’ll know the Parade is on its way. This year, we have over 50 entries in the Parade representing all reaches of our community!

  • National Anthem Performed by Annabelle Kelly (at Bowl Incline)
  • Incline High School ROTC 
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Raul Caceres – Viet Nam: Naval Aviator member IVC with Parade Grand Marshal Craig & Julie Rauchle
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Joe Wyatt
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Michael Dayton
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Larry Osslund – Viet Nam/Navy
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Richard Cribben: Army
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Don Schellenberg
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Ed Yarich: Military: Member IVC
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Ron Kalanick: Viet Nam: Marines
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: Steve Richards: Military
  • Reno Mustang Car Club: David Ramsey
  • IVCBA Future Local Heroes 
  • Incline Martial Arts
  • Driving Miss Tahoe – Chole Menzies
  • Pet Network 
  • Rotary Duck Drop Float 2024
  • Rotary Club of Tahoe Incline
  • Lake Tahoe Athletic Club
  • Jacked Up
  • Alfa Romeo Club of Incline Village – Jeff Forsyth & Maureen Reilly
  • Alfa Romeo Club of Incline Village – Allan & Kathy Slocum
  • Alfa Romeo Club of Incline Village – Ron Pizer
  • Around Town Tours – Chris Talbot
  • Michelle Jezycki for IVIGID Trustee
  • Incline Village Community Hospital & Mike Young
  • Northern Nevada Chapter of the American Red Cross
  • Music Is Medicine Tour – The Jambulance
  • REMAX/Inside Incline – Sabrina Genter
  • REMAX/Inside Incline – Sabrina Belleci
  • Bowl Incline
  • AAUW Tahoe Nevada Celebrates Our Scholars
  • Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe
  • Village Pet Foundation
  • The Lee Family
  • Incline Village Crystal Bay Republican Women’s Club
  • Incline Village Girl Scout Troop 140
  • Kuchulis and Simvoulakis Families
  • Diamond Peak Ski Team
  • Michaela Tonking for IVIGID Trustee
  • Daisy Trails Forest Preschool
  • Washoe County Library – Incline Village
  • Jim Perez – 30 year Incline resident 
  • Bridget Giroux Design
  • Happy Tiers Bakery
  • Incline Star Follies
  • Carol Del Carlo – Nevada Board of Regents, District 9
  • Lake Tahoe School
  • SQ Ent. Our American Dream
  • Tahoe Workz Snow Removal
  • North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District – Engine 13
  • Washoe County Roads Department
  • Washoe County Sherif Department

Thanks to both of our Parade Emcees; Kristen Miller (corner of Southwood and Incline Way/Bowl Incline) and Jason Phillips (Village Green area).

And an extra special shout-out to the many, many volunteers that make the Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration a way for all of us to come together as a community and make memories.

Read about our Parade Grand Poohbah.

2024 Local Heroes Parade Map & Street Closures
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Local Heroes Parade Features Children from the Community

June 27, 2024 | Linda Offerdahl

The Local Heroes parade on July 2nd is becoming famous for many things, but perhaps the biggest scene stealers are the entries with kids. 

For the fourth year in a row,  IVCBA features “Future Local Heroes” toddlers and preschoolers dressing up as their favorite hero… The parade starts at 10am with the IVGID kids bike parade and then an amazing assortment of floats, walking groups, classic cars, and equipment from Washoe County.

Stealing the scene however, may be the youngsters dressed up like firefighters, peace officers, health care professionals, teachers or superheroes. The Incline Village Nursery School, and local families are joining us this year. If you want your kiddo to participate, please contact kristin@ivcba.org.

Other groups feature kids as well: Daisy Day Care has their own float filled with adorable munchkins. The Lake Tahoe School has arguably the largest float with kids of all ages. 

Be sure to  visit the Community Fair and the Backyard BBQ on the Village Green immediately following the parade.

Get all the details for the Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration at IVCBA.org.

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Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration Next Week!

June 26, 2024 | Julie Malkin-Manning

As you cruise through Incline Village, you’re sure to see the signs of a patriotic community celebration thanks to the hard work of many volunteers who have been placing décor and planting flags. 

That’s a sign that the Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration is coming up. Next Tuesday – Thursday (July 2 – 4), our community partners are proud to present a full line up of events for all to enjoy. For full details, visit IVCBA.org and stay tuned for a dedicated Local Heroes SnapShot later this week with tons of information.


Also, on Tuesday, July 2:

  • North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District hosts a Flag Raising with Incline High’s ROTC and a pancake breakfast
  • Kids Bike Parade/Parade – begins at 10AM and runs from Southwood Blvd to Incline Way and ends at the Village Green. Announcers will be located at Bowl Incline and Village Green. 
  • Immediately following the Parade, on the Village Green, hang out at the Community Fair and Washoe County Sheriff Meet & Greet, hosted by the IVCB Veterans Club. You can grab lunch to support Highlander Pride at the Backyard BBQ, and cool down with a little, or a lot, of dessert at the Susie Scoops Ice Cream Eating Contest at 1PM.
  • Enjoy the evening at ITF SUMMERFEST beginning at 4PM. This is Beer & Brats reimagined to provide fun for the whole family and support for the Incline Tahoe Foundation, on the campus of UNR Lake Tahoe. This is a ticketed event.

Wednesday, July 3 

  • Brand new this year, Highlander Pride is hosting a 3×3 Basketball Tournament open to all ages! Registration is still open – call TK at (714) 404-8592.
  • Our local Veterans are being honored at a reception on the Village Green at 6PM, sponsored by the IVCB Vet Club and Cornerstone Church. 
  • At dusk, the entire community is invited to participate in a meaningful and traditional Flag Retirement Ceremony on the Village Green, featuring the Sierra Highlanders Pipe Band. (Learn more including how to give us a flag to be retired.)
  • TOCCATA’s presents its annual Red, White & Tahoe Blue Salute to America Concert, featuring full orchestral and chorus performances of patriotic classics, operatic arias, and a lively sing-along finale. Purchase tickets for the 7PM concert at St. Francis of Assisi.  

Thursday, July 4

  • Start your 4th of July with a pancake breakfast at Village Green to support the IVCB Veteran’s Club. ($10/Adults ages 12 & up; $5/ ages 6-11; FREE/ 5 & under)
  • The Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe is providing free BBQ Hot Dogs and Burgers on Incline Beach from 11AM – 3PM. (A valid IVGID pass is required for beach entry)
  • Presented by Red, White & Tahoe Blue 2, Fireworks in Incline Village, over Lake Tahoe, return for 2024! 

While not officially part of the IVCB Local Heroes Celebration, plan to participate in the 11th Annual Keep Tahoe Red, White and Blue Beach Clean Up on July 5. After Tahoe’s celebrated July 4th festivities, our beaches and surrounding areas can become covered with trash, endangering wildlife and the Lake’s clarity. Each year on July 5th, Tahoe residents and visitors turn out for the largest cleanup of the year to remove litter from Lake Tahoe’s shores. You can help Keep Tahoe Blue by volunteering at a beach cleanup sites around the Lake!

View all the IVCB Local Heroes Events

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Celebrate Our Patriotic Holiday with Toccata-Tahoe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus

June 26, 2024 | Member Submitted

TOCCATA-Tahoe Symphony Orchestra helps you celebrate the Fourth of July with family and friends close to home! Our 19th annual Red White and TahoeBlue Salute to America concert, conducted by Maestro James Rawie, is a delightful summer event that we perform in two venues at the Lake,  Reno, and Truckee. Revel in full orchestra and chorus performances of patriotic favorites, be swept off your feet by great opera arias, join in a sing-along, and, if you’re the highest bidder, conduct the orchestra in The Stars and Stripes Forever!

Get the most bang for your buck with this concert that truly has something for everyone, and brings the music practically to your door.  Show your true patriotic colors with the Armed Forces Medley (audience members from all branches of the services are honored), orchestra-chorus versions of the Battle Hymn of the Republic and  God Bless America, an audience sing-along of America the Beautiful, and, of course, The Stars and Stripes Forever (will you be the conductor?).

Take just a sip of classical music as you tap your toes to the Great Western Medley, and hear our guest violinist dazzle with Monti’s Czardas.  The Father/Daughter team of Robert and Emily Bousquet will delight with The Prayer and Paul Fleming’s rendition of Mozart’s Trombone Concerto will make everyone smile.

Anyone who enjoys beautiful singing will love the duets and solos by our gifted operatic soloists Joy Strotz, Anne Davidson, Mari Stoner, Amanda Price, Robert Bousquet, Chris Nelson, Stuart Duke and Erik Linnell.   Our delightful sampler includes the amazing Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star sung by coloratura soprano Joy Strotz, and the comical Cat Duet for 2 sopranos by Gioachino Rossini. The tutti finale is a toast to wine and good living with Verdi’sBrindis from La Traviata. Raise  your own glasses in joy and friendship !

Tickets are $30 for adults or $40 for preferred seating/$15 youth; youth under 23 are free in general seating: Premium “front and center” seats are $50 for adults, $25 for youth.  Seniors enjoy a discount in all seating areas.  Lawn seating is $10, and you must reserve your space online.   

Prices for the Genoa Soiree Musicale Fundraiser on Saturday, June 30 at 4pm is $150/person, which is tax deductible. Call 775-833-2478 for more information.  


Sunday…. June 30….. 4pm….. SOUTHLAKE:……………….. Christian Fellowship Church • 3580 Blackwood Rd

Wed…….. July 3…….. 7pm….. INCLINE:……………………………….. St. Francis Church  •  701 Mt. Rose Highway

Friday….. July 5…….. 7pm….. RENO:……………………… Bartley Ranch Amphitheater 6000 Bartley Ranch Road

Sunday…. July 7…….. 5pm …. TRUCKEE:………………………………. Tahoe Forest Church • 10315 Hirschdale Rd

These concerts are made possible in part by the Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation,  and generous gifts from Heidimarie Rochlin,  Marilyn Hewitt  and Dennis & Dianne DeCuir.

For additional information, please call 775-298-6989; 

e-mail ToccataTahoe@gmail.com;

or visit us at www.ToccataTahoe.org or https://www.facebook.com/toccatatahoe/.

TOCCATA 19th Annual SummerFest is proud to be part of the 29th Anniversary of Artown and the July 2024 Festival. The month-long summer arts festival features approximately 500 events produced by more than 100 cultural organizations and businesses in locations citywide. Artown receives major funding from the City of Reno, and is sponsored by U.S. Bank, NV Energy, IGT, Grand Sierra Resort, University of Nevada, Reno, Wild River Grille, Washoe County, Reno Tahoe USA, Fox 11 News 4 and My21TV, Reno Media Group, RGJ Media, KUNR Public Radio and KNPB Public Television. Additional support is received from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.

For Immediate Release:   Contact: Meera Beser  775-298-6989  •  NancyRawie@gmail.com

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IVCB Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration Veterans Events

June 19, 2024 | Julie Malkin-Manning

Incline Village Crystal Bay (IVCB) community is gearing up to honor our veterans with a series of heartfelt events, and we couldn’t be prouder to showcase the incredible contributions and sacrifices of our local heroes. From parades to pancake breakfasts, these events are designed to celebrate, support, and recognize the brave men and women who have served our country. Here’s a rundown of what’s in store:

Parade Grand Marshalls 

We are thrilled to announce that Craig and Julie Rauchle of Incline Village, founders of PTSD Now!, have been chosen as the 2024 Local Heroes Parade Grand Marshalls (Tuesday, July 2 at 10 AM). Their outstanding work in veterans’ mental health has made a significant impact, and they will be honored with this prestigious role in the upcoming parade. Learn more about their inspiring journey.

Reno Mustang Club

A highlight of the parade will be the Reno Mustang Club, featuring local veterans riding in style. Let’s thank them for their service with big cheers! 

Veterans Recognition Reception

July 3 at Aspen Grove 6 PM | Sponsored by Cornerstone Church

Join us for the Veterans Recognition Reception, a special evening dedicated to honoring our veterans. This gathering is a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude and support for those who have served.

Flag Retirement Ceremony (following the reception)

July 3 at Aspen Grove at Dusk

The Flag Retirement Ceremony is a dignified process of respectfully retiring worn, faded, or torn flags. Hosted by the IVCB Veterans Club, this formal ceremony will feature bagpipers from the Sierra Highlanders, adding a solemn and reverent touch. 

Collection boxes have been placed at the following locations for you to drop off your flag if it is time for its retirement and you are unable to attend the ceremony:

– IVGID Recreation Center

– Incline Village Library

For special drop-off arrangements, email Lettie Miller at lettie66@icloud.com. 

If there’s something unique about your flag, include a note with its story to be shared during the ceremony.

IVCB Veterans Club Pancake Breakfast

July 4 at Aspen Grove 8 AM-12 PM

Bring the whole family to the Pancake Breakfast featuring pancakes, bacon, sausage, blueberries, and optional Mimosas and Bloody Marys. All proceeds support local veterans. Prices are $10 for adults (12+), $5 for children (6-11), and free for kids under 5. Payments are accepted at the door.

The IVCB Veterans Club is a dynamic group dedicated to honoring and supporting veterans through special events and initiatives. Veterans, supporters, and community members are always welcome to join their monthly lunchtime meetings, which include a special guest speaker and a chance to connect with club members and supporters. Learn more.

These events not only celebrate our local heroes but also foster a sense of community and shared respect for the sacrifices made by our veterans. We invite everyone to participate and show their support. See you there! GET THE ENTIRE IVCB LOCAL HEROES CELEBRATION SCHEDULE.

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Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration with Kids!

June 17, 2024 | Kristin Derrin

Local Heroes 4th of July Celebration is less than two weeks away! This three day event is packed full of fun events for the whole family. So if you are looking to enjoy the festivities with your kiddos, look no further.


10AM: Local Heroes Bike Parade: Start the parade off with all the local kids in town and bike, scooter, or walk with the TK and the Kids Bike Parade. Registration is necessary as well as a signed Waiver, all due by June 23rd. Get creative and decorate the bikes with streamers, flags, and of course dress festive!

10AM: Local Heroes Parade: Maybe you want to ride in the parade. Numerous floats encourage kiddos to join. The IVCBA ‘Future Local Heroes’ Float encourages kids and parents to dress as a local hero—fire, police, doctor, you get the idea. If you want to get involved, reach out directly to kristin@ivcba.org.

AFTER PARADE: Community Fair: Directly after the parade, join the community at our local community fair. The parade will end at the Village Green, so head over and enjoy the fun. Most businesses have kids’ games, crafts, giveaways, and fun! IVCBA plans to have some fun games out, stickers, and kid-friendly activities. NEW THIS YEAR: IHS Track & Field + XC team are running Youth Olympics – with prizes!

11AM – 3PM: Washoe County Sheriff Meet & Greet: During the parade and Community Fair you will come say hello to our local Sheriff’s at the Community Fair Meet & Greet. There will be firetrucks and sheriffs vehicles for the kids along with horses!

11AM-3PM: Backyard BBQ with Highlander Pride (High School Students): After a fun morning, you are all probably hungry, so head over to Aspen Grove, for some food! The non-profit group Highlander Pride will host a Backyard BBQ cooked by Cheer and Golf teams on the Village Green to benefit all Incline High School athletics and athletes. Brats, hot dogs, soda, and water will be available for donation. Pricing is a “suggested contribution” as this is a fundraiser. Additional donations will be gratefully accepted. 

1PM: Ice Cream Eating Contest presented by Susie Scoops: Get ready for every kids favorite event, all you can eat ice cream! And it’s a contest! This is held at the Village Green during the Community Fair.

4PM – 7PM: Incline Tahoe Foundation – Summerfest: Incline Tahoe Foundation (ITF) presents SUMMERFEST at the UNR Lake Tahoe Campus! There will be a watermelon eating contest for the kids as well as Beer-tasting for the parents. Incline Spirits has organized beer tastings from 12 breweries featuring 24 craft beers, wine and soft beverages. Tunnel Creek Cafe is providing great food options and Incline Bak’d will be serving an assortment of mouth-watering desserts. Live Music from ‘Jacked Up’ with lawn games and fun for the whole family. TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE


9AM: Highlander Pride Basketball TournamentThis fundraiser for the Incline High School Boys Basketball team, this tourney is open to all – there are both grade level and open divisions. The entry fee is $50 per team, and there are prizes for champions. Contact TK to Register: 714-404-8592

6PM – 8PM: Veterans Recognition Reception – Sponsored by Cornerstone Church: Head over to Aspen Grove for a tribute to veterans and active duty personnel with a reception in their honor, immediately preceding the flag retirement ceremony. This is a free event. 

DUSK: Flag Retirement Ceremony: All are welcome to bring old and worn flags to retire in the traditional manner with a ceremonial retirement opportunity. The event will begin at 7:45 PM with a bugler and bagpiper. The flag retirement burning will be timed with sunset at The Village Green.


8AM – 12PM: IVCB Veterans Club Pancake Breakfast: Don’t want to make breakfast for the whole family, no problem, head over to Aspen Grove for the IVCB Veterans Club Pancake Breakfast. Enjoy Pancakes, bacon, sausage, and blueberries, plus optional Mimosas and Bloody Marys to support local Veterans! $10/Adults ages 12 & up; $5/ ages 6-11; FREE/ 5 & under. Tickets are available at the door.

9:30PM: 4TH of July Fireworks Presented by Red White and Tahoe Blue II: Near Incline Beach – After a hiatus of five years, we’re thrilled to announce the return of our awe-inspiring Independence Day fireworks display to Incline Village & Crystal Bay. Once ranked as the 6th Best Fireworks in the Country, we’re committed to reviving this beloved tradition with even more splendor and community spirit. Learn more About Red White & Tahoe Blue II – This will be very busy, parking limited and big crowd, so recommend planning accordingly with littles.

Expect a lot of people throughout the three days. Parking can be tricky, so pack sunscreen, hats, water, extra snacks, etc. We love to see your photos, tag us on social media @ivcba and stay safe.

More Information, Details and the Full Schedule of Events: http://ivcba.org/events/local-heroes/

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